
Common PeopleSoft Integration Broker Issues

    Publication Contract stays in RETRY status. 1) The remote node cannot be "pinged" successfully.   The publication contract will be   processed when the remote node comes back up. 2) No publication handler available, either because it's crashed or it has been brought down.     Publication Contract stays in WORKING status. The publication handler processing the contract is on another machine and either the machine or the domain is down. Processing should continue when the pub/sub system on the other machine comes back up.     Subscription Contract not created. 1. Message Subscription is inactive. 2. Channel routing rules not set up properly.     Subscription contract - Local Node Issue. For a message published by the local node, subscription contract not created for local node even when Message Subscription is active and "Invoke for local publication" is checked. The local node was not included in the routing rules for the cha